The purpose of a drill is to train students, under staff direction, to move safely, quickly, and quietly from any location within the building to an assigned evacuation area outside.
The following rules and procedures will be complied with in the school.
- Evacuation routes will be posted in each room. These routes will indicate the primary and alternate exits and evacuation area to which the student should proceed upon leaving the building. During the first week of the school year, rules for emergency evacuation will be discussed with each class using the room.
- A distinct alarm signal will be used for emergency drills only; another signal will be established by District Administration for return to class.
- No student or staff member is to remain in the building during emergency drills.
- All persons should exit according to their posted evacuation routes and proceed to assigned locations a safe distance away from the building.
- It is each students responsibility to move quickly, quietly, and in an orderly manner through the assigned exit to the assigned evacuation area.
The teacher will be responsible for:
- Turning off lights.
- Seeing that windows and doors are closed, but not locked.
- Assuring that electrical equipment and gas jets are turned off.
- Maintaining order during the evacuation to the assigned location outside.
- Taking the grade book and checking roll when the class is in the assigned evacuation area. The name of any student not accounted for will be reported immediately to the Building Administrator.
- Do not re-enter the building until authorized.